Friday, February 27, 2009


This will be my final blog. I would like to present some recommendations for information seekers for similar subjects.

First of all I would like to list databases. In many of my classes I have used the Carlson databases and they have been wonderful sources of information, specifically the Academic Complete and Worldcat databases.

I used a number of times for finding articles. Clusty searches several top search engines, combines the results, and generates an ordered list based on rankings. This gives great results in a small amount of time. I found several articles this way.

The CV of my scientist led me to lots of information: graduate students, colleagues, meetings, symposiums, committees, research, grants, honors, and even a listing of publications both current and yet to be published. I found that on his website at CalTech.

I also found that a simple Google search can come up with quite a bit of information. I know a lot of professionals look down on internet searching but I would not have found half the information I needed without it.

The articles I read also led me to more information through the reference section at the end. I could see which articles he referenced and thus found more information.

This is the way I did most of my searches to find information. I found that most of these led me on to find even more related information. if I were a starting scientist or someone doing information seeking this is definitely where I would start.

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