Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Ideas

This will be my last post before the grand finale post. I just wanted to real quick go through a couple things that Dabiri has been kicking around. I was reading an article that discusses the fact that he not only wants to work on new ways of using jellyfish locomotion to help hearts but also for green technology. He believes there are ways to utilize wind and water technology to help find green sources of power. He also wants to find a way to make a flexible motor that would be more efficient. I believe what has interested me most about this scientist is his lack of ego and willingness to help others. He was quoted as saying, "My interest is to give people a blueprint and let them go out and build things. The downside is that we won’t make any money off their inventions, but we can impact a lot more people that way.” This is truly what a scientist does. They aren't there to make money, they are there to advance science in a bid to help humanity. Hats of to you Dr. Dabiri, and your jellyfish.

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