Wednesday, January 21, 2009

John Dabiri

I chose John Dabiri because the idea of mimicking jellyfish propulsion to make new things like vehicles or find ways to fix heart valves was fascinating. Officially his expertise is in mechanics and dynamics of biological propulsion and fluid dynamic energy conversion. Say that fast five times. He is currently a professor in the Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories and the Option of Bioengineering at Caltech. He has an MS degree in Aeronautics and a Ph.D. in Bioengineering with a minor in Aeronautics. In 2008 he was selected as an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator for research in bio-inspired propulsion. He has his own webpage at caltech and there is some very interesting material in his research and publications section. I tip my hat to any person who can see heart beats in a jellyfish.

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